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3 Essentials of Future-Ready Security Architecture and Discipline

Written by Admin | Dec 14, 2022 7:52:27 PM


Protecting corporate data assets is an ever-evolving challenge, and that’s especially true in today’s landscape. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the digital transformation, spurring changing consumer behaviors and associated security imperatives that caught many companies off-guard.

While we can’t predict every potential scenario that could threaten businesses, the recent years underscore a crucial point. To protect the valuable assets of both companies and customers, organizations must adopt a multi-layered security approach that is future-ready. We recently invited renowned security expert Peter Coffee, VP for Strategic Research with Salesforce, to discuss these topics and more in a webinar titled “The Future of Security: Discipline and Architecture.”

What does it mean for security architecture to be future-ready? According to Peter, there are three components.

1. Security needs to be built in, not added later as part of transition from prototype to production. Otherwise, we risk adding burden to the user without accomplishing our intended goals.


2. Security needs to be defined in terms of bad behaviors that are detected and blocked, not vulnerabilities remedied after the fact. This proactive approach gives organizations an early warning in the event of an attack or leak, buying precious time to reduce damage.



3. Security needs to be envisioned with a “living in the future” mindset that anticipates foreseeable change rather than reacting to developments. Instead of only dealing with today’s risk environment, organizations must look ahead and plan for future what-if’s. They must assume that quantum technologies will be utilized in the future to decipher today’s data and plan accordingly.



To hear more, see the full webinar recording here.