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Flosum Winter 2023 Release: Automated DevOps QA

Written by Admin | Oct 24, 2022 4:37:11 PM


 We’re beyond excited for our upcoming Winter 2023 and all the new features it will bring to Salesforce   developers.   There are three main focus areas for this release – Intelligent DevOps, Automated DevOps QA and   Hardened   Domain Management – all designed based on input from clients, Salesforce partners, and teams of   Salesforce   developers.

 We’ll host a webinar on Oct. 26 to dive into all the details and take your questions. In the meantime, here’s a   sneak   peak at Automated DevOps QA which introduces custom validation and coverage quality gates to   improve quality   throughout the DevOps lifecycle.

Click here to view the webinar!

 Automated DevOps QA

 New Feature: Custom Validation Merge

 Implement custom quality gates before merging to remove nagging merge issues from your app development   and   reduce bugs while merging successfully.

  New Feature: Code Coverage Check

 Utilize code coverage checks earlier in the development life cycle to catch issues before
 production to improve success rates and reduce bugs.

 Why is this important?

 Ensuring quality before moving to production improves the rate of successful deployments. By being able to   check code coverage   before deploying to production and intelligently validating with quality gates beforehand,   release mangers and developers can   accelerate innovation and the product lifecycle.

 The Flosum Winter 2023 Release

 At Flosum, we remain committed to meeting the needs of Salesforce DevOps teams through rapid product   innovation and tools that simplify their work. This new release was inspired by spending time with our clients,   Salesforce partners, and teams of Salesforce developers to understand the pain points that still exist within   Salesforce and offer solutions to expedite development and increase productivity while keeping security
 top of mind.

 Here are the headlines:
 1. Intelligent DevOps with demerge functionality that will save weeks of work for release managers
 2. Automated DevOps QA functionality with the introduction of custom validation and coverage quality   gates,   improving quality as part of the DevOps lifecycle
 3. Hardened Domain Management for enterprise or system integrators with multiple or complex environments
 4. Coming soon! Introducing the Flosum DevSecOps Platform
 And much more!

 This is just the tip of the iceberg for what’s included in the Winter 2023 Release. And, feel free to reach out   with   your  feedback on this release as well as what you’d like to see in the future. We’re all in this together, and   we’re   committed to keeping your needs and business objectives at the core of our product development.

 Ready to take your Salesforce Deployment to the next level?

 Book a free demo today!