The success of any organization relies upon its ability to make timely, quality decisions with the right data. When armed with a powerful search tool, the ability to find the right data quickly and confidently is paramount — and the Salesforce Find function has unlocked an unprecedented level of speed and accuracy for organizations of all sizes.

Salesforce Find gives users the ability to quickly locate and interact with records, documents, and accounts — without the need for intricate coding. Advanced tools and multiple access avenues make it easy for staff to get the specific records they need so they can make the best decisions for the business.

Salesforce Find was designed to be a complete search solution. It automatically recognizes multiple attributes when a user searches records, and terms can be placed in the form of questions. If a user types in “what customers bought in 2020?” Salesforce will first search its records for the terms “customer”, “buy”, and “2020” before displaying results.

Additionally, users can access Salesforce Find from multiple access points, which streamlines the process even further. With the quick search bar from the Home page, users can quickly locate any term in the Salesforce database. Similarly, the Global Search Bar makes it easy to search for a specific term, and the Recent Records & Lists drop-down menu allows staff to quickly access other records they have recently viewed or worked on.

For organizations looking to maximize their use of Salesforce Find, advanced tools are available. Users can create custom search filters, which can be used to quickly narrow down the search results. Filters can be created based on several field criteria by checking the fields within the filter and selecting the match criteria. Patterns such as “equal, less than, great or equal” and “not equal” can be selected to ensure that the correct records are displayed in the search.

Salesforce Find also enables organization to explore the data more fully and track it better over time. Saved searches can be created that match specific criteria and are to be run again at a later date. This ensures that users have the most up-to-date data and are able to respond quickly to changing conditions. Employees are also able to save search results, making regular searches much faster as the same search only needs to be completed once.

Salesforce Find is a powerful search tool that allows organizations to get the most accurate data at the most efficient time. It enables staff to quickly find what they need without complex coding and its advanced tools make it easy for users to track data and narrow down results. Salesforce Find is an invaluable asset in any organization's release management, data backup and recovery, and security solutions.


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“Flosum is the best native release management tool that you will fall in love with. I have gained confidence in my role and has given me the ability to view release management from a whole different perspective.”

Faizan Ali

Faizan Ali
Salesforce Consultant at Turnitin