As a Salesforce release management, data backup and recovery, and security provider, our business centers around helping enterprises get the most out of their Salesforce deployments. To that end, we’re always looking for ways to streamline the processes associated with Salesforce deployments, such as setting up Salesforce tasks, working with Lightning Components, and developing solutions.

One of the most important steps towards streamlining Salesforce deployment processes is setting up Visual Studio Code, or VS Code, for Salesforce development. In this article, we’ll provide a step-by-step guide on how to set up VS Code for Salesforce development, so you can get the most out of your Salesforce deployment.

First, download and install Visual Studio Code. You can find it here: Once it’s installed, you’ll need to install Salesforce’s related extensions, the Salesforce CLI, and the Salesforce Mobile SDK.

The Salesforce CLI is an open-source component of the Salesforce Development platform, which lets you manage your entire Salesforce deployment from a command line interface. To get the Salesforce CLI, head over to the official CLI page on the Salesforce Developer website:

Once you’ve installed the Salesforce CLI, you’ll need to install the Salesforce Mobile SDK. The Mobile SDK is a collection of SDKs that make it possible to develop secure mobile apps for use on Salesforce environments. To get the Salesforce Mobile SDK, head over to the official webpage on the Salesforce Developer website:

Once you’ve installed both the Salesforce CLI and the Mobile SDK, it’s time to get the Salesforce Extensions for Visual Studio Code. The Salesforce Extensions are a collection of extensions that make it easier to work with Salesforce code and deployments from within VS Code. To get the Salesforce Extensions, head over to the Visual Studio marketplace:

Once you’ve installed all the necessary components, you’ll need to verify your setup. To do this, you’ll need to launch Visual Studio Code and log in to your Salesforce account. Once you’re logged in, you should be able to use the Salesforce Extensions and launch the Salesforce CLI.

Finally, you’ll need to set up the Salesforce Data Backup and Recovery solution. We provide a comprehensive set of tools that allow you to make regular backups of all your Salesforce data in order to ensure that it’s secure in the case of hardware failure or unauthorized access.

Setting up Visual Studio Code for Salesforce development is an essential part of any successful Salesforce deployment. With the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to quickly and easily set up Visual Studio Code for your Salesforce deployments, so you can make the most of its extensive capabilities. With the right release management, data backup and recovery, and security solutions in place, you can rest assured that your Salesforce environment is well protected against any potential threats.


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“Flosum is the best native release management tool that you will fall in love with. I have gained confidence in my role and has given me the ability to view release management from a whole different perspective.”

Faizan Ali

Faizan Ali
Salesforce Consultant at Turnitin