The use of custom metadata types in Salesforce can prove an invaluable asset in helping Salesforce customers gain visibility into their Salesforce environments — and scale their release management, data backup and recovery, and security solutions accordingly.

Salesforce custom metadata types allow users to store custom settings, annotations and other data needed to configure and customize Salesforce. This type of custom metadata can function as an easy way for companies to store app settings, per-org customizations, and other information that needs to be centrally managed.

The benefits of using custom metadata types in Salesforce are several. Approval processes can be managed much more quickly and easily, configurations can be quickly changed, and the customization impacts can be tracked more easily. Additionally, custom settings create a centralized repository of data and facilitate easier collaboration between the administrator and developer.

Here, we’ll outline a comprehensive guide to using custom metadata types in Salesforce. We’ll begin by discussing the components of custom metadata types in Salesforce, and then provide a number of steps to creating, managing, and deploying custom metadata packages. Finally, we’ll look at a few of the key benefits of using custom metadata types in Salesforce.

Components of Custom Metadata Types in Salesforce

In order to create, manage, and deploy custom metadata packages, there are a few key components that must be in place.

The first component is the custom metadata type. A Salesforce custom metadata type is essentially a set of objects, which provide a comprehensive set of standardized and custom settings that can be used across an organization or environment. This makes it easier for admins, developers, and others to make quick changes without having to update multiple locations.

The second component is the users. It is important that all users have access to and understand the custom metadata types if the packages are to be created, managed, and successfully deployed.

The final component is the package. This is essentially the final product, which can then be used to configure and customize the Salesforce environment.

Creating and Managing Custom Metadata Packages

Once the components for custom metadata packages are in place, we can then move onto creating and managing them.

The first step is to create a custom metadata type. This can be done in multiple ways, such as with the MetadataType.createCall or the Metadata API. These must be done in the appropriate org, as all custom metadata packages must be created and managed in a single org.

Once the custom metadata type has been created, it must then be populated. This can be done via the Metadata API or the MetadataType object. This step also allows the organization to dictate which users have access to the custom metadata package.

The next step is to manage the custom metadata type. This can be done using the setup menu or with the Metadata API. This allows users to modify settings, control who has access, and make changes to its configuration.

Finally, the custom metadata package can be deployed. This can be done using the Package Manager or the Metadata API, which allows for a quick and easy way to deploy the package.

Benefits of Using Custom Metadata Types in Salesforce

The use of custom metadata types in Salesforce provides a number of benefits. As outlined earlier, it provides an easy way for organizations to store, configure, and customize their Salesforce environments. This makes it much easier to manage the organization’s release management, data backup and recovery, and security solutions.

Additionally, custom metadata types also allow for easier collaboration between the administrator and developer. This allows users to quickly and easily make changes, test new configurations, and quickly deploy custom packages.

Finally, custom metadata packages also provide a great way to keep track of customizations. This allows users to have a comprehensive view into their Salesforce environments and make sure that every change is properly registered and tracked.


Custom metadata types in Salesforce offer a great way to gain visibility into one’s environment and scale their release management, data backup and recovery, and security solutions accordingly. With this guide, users now have the tools to create, manage, and deploy custom metadata packages to configure and customize their Salesforce environment. In the end, users can benefit from easier collaboration, quicker change management, and more comprehensive tracking of their customizations.


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Faizan Ali
Salesforce Consultant at Turnitin