Successful Salesforce DevSecOps with Flosum

Ready to establish strong Salesforce DevSecOps practices with Flosum solutions? We’ve just added a new module to Trailhead, Salesforce’s online training and professional development module, to help you do exactly that.

This module has three components:

Learn DevSecOps Fundamentals

In an age of rapid—and constant—digital innovation, organizations must provide continuous, high-quality software releases while staying compliant with regulatory guidelines and maintaining the security and integrity of customer data. Learn how DevSecOps practices can play a valuable role by delivering business value while helping to manage the development lifecycle.

Discover Flosum Platform Basics and Benefits

Flosum is a cohesive platform of solutions for Salesforce DevSecOps that allows developers and operations to orchestrate changes throughout the development lifecycle. Learn about the four products that comprise the Flosum platform (DevSecOps; Trust Center; Backup, Restore, and Archive; and Data Migrator) and how they work together to simplify and accelerate development.

Explore Solutions

Together, these four products consolidate an organization’s tech solutions, which eliminates siloed tools and simplifies DevSecOps and data-management processes. Learn about the features and functionality of each product, and discover how each one addresses common DevSecOps challenges and optimizes Salesforce DevSecOps. 

This module will take approximately 30 minutes to complete and earn you 300 points. Get started here.


Flosum DevSecOps Solutions to Manage your Development Lifecycle

Flosum DevSecOps offers users many features to manage development lifecycles. We’ve just added a new module to Trailhead, Salesforce’s online training and professional development module, to help you understand these solutions and get the most from them.

This module has three components:

Understand Platform Structure and Flow

To deliver speedy, secure, and successful Salesforce releases, companies need a solution that streamlines processes, helps them quickly and easily identify and remedy code issues, keeps orgs in sync, and protects and preserves the integrity of customer data. Flosum delivers with a complete, end-to-end solution for Salesforce DevSecOps that allows developers and operations teams to orchestrate changes throughout the development lifecycle.

Prepare for Deployment

Flosum offers many features to help streamline deployments while preventing overwrites. Learn how to use Flosum to create a branch, tie a user story to a branch, request peer code review, and more.

Deploy a Release Branch to Production

Release branches offer many user benefits. Learn how pipelines automate development processes as well as how users track and manage the dev process with the Kanban board and SwimLanes.

This module will take approximately 30 minutes to complete and earn you 300 points. Get started here.

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“Flosum is the best native release management tool that you will fall in love with. I have gained confidence in my role and has given me the ability to view release management from a whole different perspective.”

Faizan Ali

Faizan Ali
Salesforce Consultant at Turnitin